During the meeting with the Agents on 4/25/21 they informed us that as a result of the previous lawsuits within Parkview their lawyers advised them that they needed a conditional use agreement to reinforce the existence of easements within the old Westgate alley.
While we can appreciate the agents’ position our concern is the additional language contained within the agreement. We are drafting a basic statement that we hope will be agreeable to everyone. I will send everyone a copy when it’s ready. We will have more chances to revise it if we get closer to a working agreement.
I posted a copy of the lawsuit that the agents say is the reason for the need for this agreement. Here is a link. Please take the time to read it. It sheds some light on our case.
Please attend the Parkview Annual Meeting on May 22. We will be electing new agents and discussing the Parkview Master Plan. I would be nice to have as many Westgate Residents in attendance as possible.